Thursday, 11 September 2014

TV News research

  • The channel it is broadcast on is channel news.
  • The day(s) and time of broadcast 25th august.
  • The presenter or presenters
  • Average viewing figures is around 600.500
  • Any awards the programme has won are International Emmy Award for News in 2003,British Academy Television Award for Best News Coverage in 1987,British Academy Television Award for Best News and Current Affairs Journalism in 1993
  • The logo/brand identity of the programme

  • A video clip from YouTube of the show                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2) The institution behind the programme – this is usually the TV channel it is broadcast on. Find out: 
  • What year the channel was launched channel 4 was lunch  Tuesday 2nd November 1982
  • Who owns or runs the channel Channel 4 is a publicly owned corporation whose board is appointed by OFCOM, in agreement with the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport
  • What the channel is famous for or associated with media,culture,films ,music and news
  • The channel logo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  • A YouTube trailer advertising a show on the channel                                                                                                      
  • 3) The target audience is 50% male and 50%female the age range for people watching this is 18-50.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              4) The running order for three separate editions of the programme. Watch at least 20 minutes of the programme on THREE separate days and write down the following:
     The first day watching 4 news the stories that appeared were about Ashya Kings family being stopped from seeing him, British Jihads and a panda not GIVING BIRTH

    The second day the story of Ashya King and his family appeared again, child exploitation and the yes programme.

    The third day the stories on 4 news were  about youth being radicalized, a american journalist being murdered and Ashya King.

    I think the editors decided to put the stories in this order so the stories get less serious as the programme goes along.


    1. WWW: Channel 4 News is an excellent choice of programme - it's an interesting and important news bulletin.
      EBI: Unfortunately, the overall project is poor. There is a lack of detail throughout - the target audience section would be a good example. Most disappointing is Task 4, which required you to watch the news on three separate days. This was the most important aspect of the project and you have failed to complete it. You'll need to seriously raise your game in Media if you want an A-C grade.
      LR: Do you regularly watch the programme you researched? Why/why not? Where do you get your news from? Answer in a comment below.

      1. I don't regularly watch Channel 4 News but i rather watch BBC News
        and Sky News since it appeals to me more than Channel .
